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Preiser Mini Figure

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Realistic Models.

Monex Box From Finland

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With today’s stamp & Wrapping Notes

Coffee and Stationery

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Plain Original 

Water-Resistant Notebooks

Preiser Mini Figure

Carefully hand printed.

Realistic Models.

Monex Box From Finland

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With today’s stamp & Wrapping Notes

Coffee and Stationery

Research Notes

Plain Original 

Water-Resistant Notebooks


文具店內的爵士音樂會 - Two Chairs Live Concert in Plain Stationery

在這個充滿創意與文化的城市中,一場別開生面的爵士音樂會即將在一家文具店內舉行。這場音樂會將於2025年1月19日下午1點10分於「直物文具Cafe」舉辦,為大家們帶來一場近距離的音樂饗宴。In this city full of creativity and culture, a unique jazz concert is about to take place in a stationery store. This concert will be held at "Plain Stationery Cafe" on January 19, 2025, at 1:10 PM, bringing a close-up musical feast to everyone.  這場音樂會的最大特色在於其獨特的場地選擇—文具店內,正確來說,它既是文具店也是咖啡店。這樣的安排不僅拉近了演奏者與聽眾之間的距離,還為音樂會增添了一份溫馨與親切的氛圍。觀眾們將能在文具店內近距離欣賞到精彩的爵士演出。The most distinctive feature of this concert is its unique venue choice—a stationery store, or more precisely, a combination of a stationery store and a cafe. This arrangement not only brings the performers and the audience closer together but also adds a warm and intimate atmosphere to the concert. The audience will be able to enjoy the wonderful jazz performance up close within the store.音樂會的舞台位於店裡的一個角落。舞台不大,僅能容納少數表演者,這也是Two Chairs這個名稱的由來。而這次音樂會由兩位樂手帶來演出,成員包括爵士吉他手陳子彰與Double bass手林后進。這樣的組合雖然簡單,但卻能夠展現出豐富的音樂層次與情感。爵士吉他手將以其靈活的指法與即興演奏,帶來生動的旋律;而Double bass手則以其深沉的低音,為音樂增添穩定的節奏與厚重的音色。此外,陳子彰老師在2024年推出一張個人演奏專輯"The Sea, The Sky, The You and I",現場將會提供販售。The stage for the concert is located in a corner of the store. The stage is small, accommodating only a few performers, which is the origin of the name "Two Chairs." This time, the concert will be performed by two musicians: jazz guitarist Daniel Chen and double bass player Hou-Chin Lin. Although the combination is simple, it can showcase rich musical layers and emotions. The jazz guitarist will bring lively melodies with his flexible fingerings and improvisation, while the double bass player will add a stable rhythm and rich tone with his deep bass. Additionally, Daniel Chen released a solo album in 2024 titled "The Sea, The Sky, The You and I," which will be available for purchase at the event.「我們希望通過這場音樂會,讓更多人感受到爵士音樂的魅力,並且享受這種近距離的音樂體驗。」本身也正在學習爵士吉他的直物文具Cafe負責人Tiger表示。「文具、咖啡、爵士樂,這三個要素在一個空間中匯聚,相信能為大家帶來一個難忘的午後。」"We hope that through this concert, more people will feel the charm of jazz music and enjoy this close-up musical experience," said the owner of Plain Stationery Cafe, who is also learning jazz guitar. "Stationery, coffee, and jazz—these three elements coming together in one space, we believe, will create an unforgettable afternoon for everyone."這場音樂會將於1月19日下午1點10分開始,演出時間約25分鐘,入場免費,歡迎所有喜愛音樂的朋友前來參加。Duke Ellington說過:「爵士樂是一種生活方式,一種自由的表達方式。」就讓我們一起在直物文具Cafe內,度過一個讓靈魂自由、充滿音樂的午後!活動免費,歡迎參加,活動結束之後也會有當日限定的紀念章可以蓋! The event is free, and everyone is welcome to join! There will also be a special stamp available after the event!由於場地可容納人數有限,請至以下連結登記參加人數與意願。Due to limited venue capacity, please register the number of participants and your attendance intention at the following link.參加登記 Click for registrationThe concert will start at 1:10 PM on January 19 and will last for about 25 minutes. Admission is free, and all music lovers are welcome to attend. As Duke Ellington once said, "Jazz is a way of life, a way of being free." Let's spend an afternoon at Plain Stationery Cafe, letting our souls be free and filled with music!Time : 2025年1月19日 PM 1:10 Place : 直物文具Cafe (台北市新生南路一段56巷16之4號)1F., No.16-4, Ln. 56, Sec. 1, Xinsheng S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei, TaiwanGuitar|陳子彰​Berklee College Of Music主修爵士作曲與吉他演奏,師事John Wilkins、Tim Miller、Richie Hart,期間獲得Achievement Scholarship、Dean's list,並參與學校Project Band錄音、歌手伴奏,分別舉辦了一次全創作音樂會、流行曲改編音樂會、畢業總音樂會,並以Summa Cum Laude(最優等)成績畢業。​ ​自組Daniel Chen Trio定期於台北藍調演出,並不定期於台北各大展演空間舉辦演出,現為台北爵士大樂隊TJO、ETO大樂團(前台北青年爵士大樂團)吉他手,2020年推出爵士創作EP《Lover’s Ring》,2024年推出首張專輯《The Sea, The Sky, The You and I》。目前也致力於吉他教學,希望能把所學分享給更多的人。​Guitar|Daniel ChenMajoring in Jazz Composition and Guitar Performance at Berklee College of Music, under the tutelage of John Wilkins, Tim Miller, and Richie Hart, he received the Achievement Scholarship and made the Dean's List. During his time at Berklee, he participated in Project Band recordings, accompanied singers, and organized a full original music concert, a pop song adaptation concert, and a graduation concert, graduating with Summa Cum Laude honors.He formed the Daniel Chen Trio, performing regularly at Taipei Blues and occasionally at various performance spaces in Taipei. Currently, he is the guitarist for the Taipei Jazz Orchestra (TJO) and the ETO Big Band (formerly the Taipei Youth Jazz Orchestra). In 2020, he released a jazz EP titled "Lover’s Ring," and in 2024, he released his first album, "The Sea, The Sky, The You and I." He is also dedicated to guitar teaching, hoping to share his knowledge with more people.Double bass|林后進多次與國際爵士音樂家合作,包括美國、荷蘭、波蘭、以色列、日本;曾受長榮交響樂團邀演擔任貝斯手,在國家音樂廳、台北國際會議中心、小巨蛋、台中國家歌劇院演出;自己所屬的樂團Our Piano Trio在2023年台中爵士音樂節演出,現今活躍在台灣各大展演中心。Double bass|Hou-Chin LinHe has collaborated with international jazz musicians from the United States, the Netherlands, Poland, Israel, and Japan. He was invited by the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra to perform as a bassist at the National Concert Hall, Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei Arena, and Taichung National Theater. His band, Our Piano Trio, performed at the 2023 Taichung Jazz Festival and is currently active in major performance centers across Taiwan. 如有展演合作需求,請與我們聯繫。

2025年 1月公休日期 - Off Day on Jan 2025

本月適逢農曆春節,休息日較多,請留意!適逢農曆春節,年前最後出貨日1月20日 週一,2月3日 週一將會再開始出貨。 若有返鄉需求請提早訂購,以免無法收貨導致超商退貨。 每週二公休,本月其餘休息日為(Closed every Tuesday. Rest day is ):1、8、23 to 31 公館店本月多公休2天(The Gongguan store will have two additional day off this month): 19, 22二月1日、2日,忠孝新生店正常營業、公館店休息 Only Zhongxiao Xinsheng Store will open on Feb 1 and 2.

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